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Navigating Your Divorce: 4 Essential Preparation Tips from Experts

How To Prepare For Divorce
The following is an excerpt from a guest blog published on Better Apart.

Everyone gets thrown challenges in life, whether it’s health related, career, or divorce. It’s important to connect with others who have walked the path you’re on so that you can benefit from their wisdom and be reassured that there is so much more life ahead of you to be hopeful about.

And when you’re going through separation or divorce, it’s important to create a buddy system not only with the people around you who know and love you, but also with others who have been where you are going.

When I was going through my own divorce, and I realized that my best friends — amazing as they are — were all happily married and couldn't offer first-person guidance about navigating divorce. Desperate to connect with others, I reached out to a few people I knew through work who had gone through a divorce. Being able to share important knowledge about divorce, and have a first person understanding of what it’s like to go through the process is priceless. Assembling a wonderful support team that included new divorce friends was a game changer that helped me prepare for divorce.

After successfully navigating my own split, I became the one that friends and family would call when someone needed help and support navigating divorce. That turned into pursuing my passion for helping people emotionally and financially prepare before divorce so they save time and money, make smart choices, and become their very own best advocates during divorce.

Let's get you started with these 4 Things To Do To Help You Prepare For What's Next:


1. Start Preparing For Divorce ASAP

When I realized that my marriage was headed for divorce, I was desperate to find any and all information to help me prepare for what was coming next. I was filled with anxiety, fear and uncertainty. I yearned for any practical information to help me with my next steps, and stories from women who were where I was now and come out the other side thriving. I needed guidance and hope, so I set out to find something that could walk me through what I needed to prepare for divorce.

For better or worse, there was only the odd divorce section on websites about parenting or love. The divorce section was rarely updated, and when it was it usually had a headline like ”SO YOU’RE DIVORCING A NARCISSIST”. Not what I needed.

After striking out, I set my focus on what I had control over, namely getting myself organized for divorce. I love creating binders to keep me organized in other areas of life so I decided it was time for me to get ready for my impending divorce.

Knowing I needed to get granular about figuring out what it cost to live my life and get my hands on every pertinent document I could, I dove in head first.

As is the case with a lot of couples, one person handled a lot more of the finances than the other. That meant having to collect missing data in order to figure out my full financial picture, so I threw myself into creating a detailed budget breakdown of my cost of living. The spreadsheet I created became the springboard for developing our bestselling Monthly Budget Calculator. Vetted and recommended by divorce attorneys and financial planners, the customizable spreadsheet walks you through every possible personal and living expense, income, and debts and does all the math for you! By calculating all of the expenses associated with your life now, you put yourself in the best position to negotiate smartly and plan for the financial changes divorce will bring. It's a great tool during divorce and in your life beyond.

As my collection of information grew, my anxiety and fear minimized. The more specifics I gathered, the less uncertain I felt. I took control of my fears and turned them into empowering knowledge (and using all of the resources available on The Divorce Planner's website -- you can too!).

On top of that, I received compliments from the divorce attorneys and financial planners I met with who were wowed by the grunt work already being done and that it put me in a position to ask good questions and be my best advocate. Being armed with everything also ended up saving me lots of time and money during the divorce process.

Realizing the steps I had taken could benefit anyone heading for a divorce, I started sharing what I had done with others who were starting their divorce journeys. That ended up being the beginning of my passion for divorce preparation and financial planning -- first when I founded my first divorce preparation brand, Divide & Thrive, which in 2022 grew into The Divorce Planner when I added my one on one divorce prep coaching program.

2.  Start meeting with divorce attorneys and mediators ASAP

Once you’ve gotten a handle on your documents and financial realities, the next step to prepare for divorce is to consult a legal professional. Use The Divorce Planner's digital and printable tools to help you gather all of your essential documents and assess your finances and assets ASAP so you walk into consultations armed with everything necessary for a divorce attorney or mediator to get right to work!

Preparing in advance of interviewing potential attorneys and mediators (which are sometimes free, ask first!) will position you to make the most of your time so you can ask questions based on the realities of your specific situation.

When I went through my own search for a mediator, I quickly found out that picking the right mediator or divorce attorney is like Goldilocks trying to find the right bed.

  • The first mediator my ex and I sat down with was an older man with a blunt “tell-it-like-it-is” style. He went through his qualifications with us like a grizzled coach, and then mapped out a game plan on a wipe board that looked like a football play. (Too hard.)

  • The next mediator we met with had a Mother Earth vibe. Her process was to guide couples through divvying up assets but paying close attention to each other’s feelings about the divorce process. (Too soft.)

  • The last was a plain spoken woman who laid out a clear timeline, set reasonable expectations and encouraged each of us to make sure we remembered that even though we were getting a divorce,we shared two kids and shouldn’t let the process sour us on each other since we will be parent partners for the rest of our lives. (Just right.)

Whether you’re meeting with a lawyer or mediators the goal is the same, find someone who reflects your values and presents themselves in a way that makes you feel comfortable being in the trenches with them. Not unlike dating, you’re trying to get a feel of who is going to be a good fit for you.

Here are some questions to help you get the ball rolling: 8 Questions To Ask A Potential Divorce Attorney.


3. It’s Time To Start Looking Forward

Every journey must start with one step. Even a tiny step propels you forward. (No, that is not from a fortune cookie!)

On the occasion of having to imagine what your life will be after your marriage bubble has popped, imagining what your future can be is something that gives you permission to get excited and hopeful.

Folks, I’ve discovered a sure fire way to feel good and set the tone for the next chapter of your life. And it’s to write down what you want your post-divorce life to be. Okay, okay, I know I didn’t invent the idea of writing something down in order for it to manifest but I’m telling you, it works. It doesn’t matter what shape it comes in, it can be a letter to your future self or a list of matter-of-fact bullet points or a messy grocery list.

Here are some examples of things for your wish list:

  • I want to move to a place that has an outdoor space

  • I want to have enough money each month to be able to put away X amount into savings

  • I want to take a beach vacation every year

  • I want a unicorn

The truth is it can be anything, as long as you get it down on paper. Yup, WRITE IT DOWN. There is something about the old fashioned exercise of putting pen to paper that is cathartic.

Look, I’m not promising magic, I’m just saying that putting something out into the universe will make you feel good. You deserve to feel good (and maybe there is a little magic out there too)!

Check out this episode of the Divorce And Beyond Podcast where divorce mediator Susan Guthrie and I talk about how focusing on your future is your secret weapon during divorce. I'm very proud that my was the number one downloaded episode of 2023!

4. How To Start Spreading The News

My first try sharing the news of my separation and pending big “D” with people over lunch at a trendy sushi restaurant was a disaster. “How are you?” went straight to “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE SEPARATING? YOU TWO ARE SO HAPPY!”, and I quickly realized that the entire lunch was now going to be about me taking care of them while they processed my news.

I was determined to find a better way to break the news to family and friends.

First, I thought maybe I should issue a press release. Yup, I did. In this day and age why not? “X and I are going through the process of separating. While we continue to be friends and are committed to being the best co- parents, we ask that you respect our privacy during this difficult time.”

Maybe that would have been a bit much, but I knew I needed something to break the ice. The thing is friends and family also need a moment to prepare for divorce news; it’s a shock. Putting people on the spot is a no-win situation for both parties.

A phone call, text, email, DM’s are all great ways to give someone the heads up about your bombshell. Advance warning allows the person to digest the information and actually be present next time they see you.

While I was convinced that my press release was a damn fine idea, I woke up to the fact that I had to let go of trying to control the narrative. You can’t control what anyone thinks about you or your divorce.

The truth is that people are going to process the news in their own way. Here are a few examples of responses you might get to your news:

  • OH MY GOD! Will I catch it? This is a zombie apocalypse and you are patient zero. If this person talks to you about your situation it might cause them to divorce.

  • I’m SO SORRY. Oh my God you POOR THING! You are a lost, helpless lamb and powerless.

  • Can’t you make it work? AKA You are not allowed to do this!

  • He’s/She’s so great! Why? What about your kids? They will throw every reason in the book at you, except the facts that actually lead to your tough choice.

  • I’m really sorry to hear that. I’m here for you.

Thankfully more often, the last response is what you’ll get.


How The Divorce Planner Can Help You

The "Ultimate Separation & Divorce Prep Course" combines everything our Ultimate Divorce Prep Bundle and one-on-one coaching offer in an online program that helps you prepare emotionally and financially for a marital separation or divorce.

Work 1-1 on with Divorce
Prep Coach Alex Beattie.
Go from "I don't know?" to "I've got this!" with a detailed game plan that gives you clarity about your next steps, an accurate financial picture, a clear understanding of your divorce priorities, and
feeling empowered about what's next.

The Divorce Planner's

easy-to-use digital tools

walk you through how to assess your financial realities and plan for changes, organize all your important statements and docs you'll need, log your assets, and help you identify your

divorce goals and priorities.

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